
Air Management

Manual Paddle controllers

The most basic air control system is a simple mechanical paddle, like an electric window switch, which basically opens and closes a tap to let air in and out. This is primarily pnumatic and slower than more advanced systems but it is incredbily reliable and is the system of choice on vans for load levelling and load support. These systems typically take between 20 seconds and five minutes to lift the vehicle depedning on the compressor and tank used on the vehicle. A Manual paddle control kit gives complete control within the full range of the airbags fitted to the vehicle and could not be simpler to operate. By pairing manual paddle controllers with presures gauges you can accurately see the pressure across all of your air bags and easily adjust yourself to your ideal ride height and quality. It really is as simple as pressing up to go up and down to go down.

Solenoid Kit

The next level up is the to use solenoid valves. solenoid valves relying on electrical signals open up a number of control posssiblities from standard electrical switches to more exotic methods include joystick controllers.

Our solenoid control kit provides you with a simple yet effective way to control your air suspension. We supply as standard as set of electrical swtiches As with a manual paddle control (MPC) kit, the switches used are similar to electric window switches, but work much faster than an MPC kit. Like a manual paddle controller you have full control over the range of the bag, with up to go up and down to go down allow you to alter the amount of pressure in each air bag to get the perfect ride height anywhere inbetween.

Reliable Solenoid valves are the key to any electrically controlled air suspension install. Quality Solenoid valves are vital not just to the speed of adjustmnets of the air suspension but also to ensuring that the speed is maintained constantly over its life and that its lifespan is as long as possible.

Computer Kit

A digital computer kit provides you with the best and most effective way to control your air suspension. Computerised control have inbuilt pressure sensors allowing you to adjust the entire vehcile at the touch of a button. Allowing a total drop, a high lift or your standard ride height with no messing around. Computer control systems include a digital display and a controller to interface with the system from within the cab. The system can also be controlled from a free phone app giving it that extra cool factor.

With inbuilt solenoids this control system is not only a complete control unit in itself but also compact and easy to install. This item is great for simplicity, reliability and even cool factor!

Further information

All of our management systems are avalable across our entire range of kits and are compataible with the vast majority of existing air suspension installs. If you have any quesitons about which air management system would be right for you or for more information on controling air suspension systems don't hestiate to contact us!