It is summer (despite the rain and the wind!) and that means staff holidays.
Our Sales Office will be closed between 1st August - 17th August 2023. You will still be able to call and leave a message to our call centre staff who then forward them to us. Calls and emails will take a bit longer to answer.
Our workshop (manufacturing and installations) will be run by skeleton staff. As much as we like visitors, we won't be able to do inspections or repairs that have not been booked in advance.
Orders for in stock items will be processed but might take longer to dispatch. New orders for manufactured items will not be processed until our return on 16th August.
If you require technical assistance for a product you are fitting then please email us at ENQUIRIES@AIRRIDE.UK using the subject ‘Technical’. Emails will be monitored sporadically and those relating to your technical enquiries will have priority.
We thank customers for their support and business, and hope you are getting to enjoy your motorhomes, vans and cars this summer.