Our pride and joy - the coil spring Land Rover kit! It fits the classic Range Rover, Land Rover Defender (90 and 110 etc) and Discovery I and II and is a full-conversion kit, for the front and back of the vehicle. To be clear, we are proud of all of our high quality air suspension products but there is something special about this kit which was honed to perfection here in Norwich over a course of several years. The result is stunning!
Our kit uses the toughest air springs on the market from Boss Air Suspension. We've seen competitor kits with reversible sleeve bags that can give a nice ride but they are very low specification and delicate. The bags we use are designed for abuse, and simply refuse to fail. They are tested to 1000 psi and 750psi in test procedures and don’t rupture at those levels. They are not usually damaged by over inflation and the rubber from which they are made is around 4 time the thickness of the competitor bags. The maximum in service pressure of our bags is 160psi, which is 60 psi higher than standard reversible sleeve bags. Given that you need to use 100 psi to fully lift the vehicle this means the bags are at 100% and at 200% if you drive at that pressure! Our bags have a massive safety margin and can lift the vehicle at well over double its usual weight (beyond its legal capacity).
Even things like air fittings that we use are of superior quality generally being made of metal for all but the collars and seals for the unions. After 20 years in this business we know what works and what is reliable and those are the components we use on our vehicles, on our installations and in our kits.
Our kit is a simple bolt on conversion, fully reversible, and the kit could be transferred to another vehicle if ever needed.
When it comes to air management we continue to use only the best. We use aluminium tanks which are lighter, do not rust and have a max working pressure of 200 psi. By comparision, some competitors use steel tanks, which have a maximum capacity of 150psi, and according to the manufacturer should be replaced every 2 years. The compressor is Viair 444C, an entirely metal heavy duty 100% duty cycle at 100 psi, and max pressure 200 psi robust full time suspension compressor. Beware of competitor kits that use a low specification 12% or 15% duty cycle compressor with some plastic parts - it won't last!
To check out the kit CLICK HERE.
Need more information? Please call us on 0800 772 0315 or send an email to ENQUIRIES@AIRRIDE.UK